steve bechtel remarried

And then the yellow ribbons appeared. The walls are thick with time lines and topographic maps. When they asked him if anything was wrong, Steve, who later said that he was starting to worry at this point, replied with a casual white lie: "No.". One thing leads to another." There was a brawl after the Lander-Riverton football game a few years ago. While most legal experts support Bechtel’s argument, the media trumpet his refusal to take the test as a red flag and run headlines about a widening rift between him and Amy’s family. A rushed breakfast, a preoccupied scan of the morning paper, a glance toward the mountains to size up the weather. Things had gone wrong. Although brew pubs and espresso cafés are gradually easing out the tack shops and cowboy bars, there are still a half-dozen places along Main Street where hunters can get their elk butchered in the fall. His marriage has been happy and harmonious. At the interview, the FBI agent grimly presents excerpts from Steve’s journal. Horses joined the hunt, and then the cadaver dogs and the national guard. He calls his friend Ed Sherline, a philosophy professor at the University of Wyoming and a good amateur climber. “Okay…Okay…You bet…No problem, every detail helps…Keep your eyes open…Thanks again.”, Bechtel hangs up, tosses down the pen, turns to the expectant faces. “It finally hit me then that the search had been out of our hands from the get-go. monkalup. It was both a "wallet toss" search—covering the distance that someone could discard a wallet—and a "critical separation" search, in which volunteers, depending on the terrain, maintain only enough distance between themselves so as not to miss anything: The "critical separation" might be ten yards on a sandy plain, ten inches in a rainforest. She stopped in at the Camera Connection on Main and asked owner John Strom about several photographs she planned to submit in a competition. We know this: Amy taught the fitness class and picked up the center's recycling. The reward for information leading to the recovery of Amy Wroe Bechtel now stands at $100,000. We hear from our audience every day about how much they love our long-form journalism. But the impulse fades, and she drives on to the end of the canyon. They drive until the road again starts to rise, and there! Positive mental attitude. I started wondering if I wanted to support him or not…If he’s still a suspect, and he has the money to hire a big-shot lawyer, do I need to be giving him my race entry fee, too?”. They shared over 49 years of marriage. The lack of clues grows more disturbing as the searchers range farther from the car. "Someone running, way up here. "They're just trying to poke and poke, and hope that they get something," Spence said recently. The grand blue Wyoming skies had curdled. Two FBI agents were assigned to the Chingman case. The town's resident climbers—perhaps two-thirds of them male, most of them from west of the Mississippi—are a furiously healthy, adrenalinized, unironic group. His friends start flaking off to their Sunday afternoons: climbing in the gym, doing laundry, watching football, the thousand things that people do with their lives if their spouses haven’t gone running one day, then disappeared. “No, I did not have anything to do with my wife’s disappearance. “I’d love nothing better than to find out my wife ran off with somebody else. Amy got the running bug in sixth grade. ON AUGUST 5, STEVE BECHTEL SPENDS 3 HOURS TELLING HIS STORY to sheriff’s investigators and FBI agents. They’re going to think that the search for Amy is over. It’s people in Berkeley or Brooklyn who vanish. “As much as Eaton makes an attractive suspect, I don’t think we’re ever going to learn anything from him,” he wrote in an email to Runner’s World. In 1995, a self-described "hobo" was committed to the state hospital after being convicted of four of the attacks. Then, a potential witness came forward, and the attention was turned to Steve Bechtel. It is unfathomably cold. Your mind on the task, on the problem and nothing else. Beneath Lander's just-folks exterior is a town that has not been able to fence itself off from trouble. “That’s enough to get people’s attention,” Bechtel explains. Open the door and no Amy. The best runner on campus and the best climber. “I knew by then never to underestimate Amy,” he says. Amy keeps driving slowly, marking the miles, perhaps envisioning a pack of runners toiling up the hill. ", In Steve and Amy's house, across the street, taped to the group's central computer, is another: "You've got a date with the ultimate burn.". Stuffs her into the trunk, and he’s out of the county and dumps her inside of an hour…”. Steve and Amy had discussed visiting her folks earlier in the week but had put it off because there’d been a death in Steve’s family, a first cousin killed in a train accident. The vast majority of violent crimes against women are committed by a friend, an acquaintance, or a relative of the victim. Steve uses the words "preposterous" and "unbelievable" to describe the situation. ("Due to high winds please return carts to corral in parking lot," pleads a sign outside the Safeway.) The Disappearance of Amy Wroe Bechtel – The True Crime Files Hunting is seasonal. It was as if she had simply parked the car and stepped away for a breath of night air. THE MORNING OF JULY 24 BROKE CLEAR and crystal blue over Lander. Steve denied Nels's version of his denial and stated that while the entries do run up to a week or so before the disappearance, some of the disturbing entries were only gonzo song lyrics, written in high school. Busy with his customer, Irvine didn’t bother waving back. Maybe her marriage wasn’t as hunky-dory as it seemed…”, “Maybe she just flipped out, and one day 10 years from now she’ll come to herself, like that Tacoma schoolteacher who disappeared, and now it turns out she’s been living all this time up in Alaska…”, “Those mountains are bigger than you or I could ever imagine. In the early nineties, the rock climbers began to arrive, drawn by some of the most accessible and difficult walls in America. Ask any friend or family member, any climber or runner or other guest who ever crashed on their floor. Yet, in the months since Amy disappeared, Steve Bechtel has spearheaded one of the most exhaustive recovery efforts ever waged on behalf of a missing person. An intense little bohemia of mountain-town athletes—young, ardent, and competitive—lived on Lucky Lane, among them Steve and Amy Bechtel. Her poster greets mountain bikers and elk hunters at forest trailheads throughout the Rockies. Steve and wife Helen Glover are reported to have met in 2014 during the BBC fundraiser Sport Relief. He is wearing a T-shirt, shorts, sandals. We're here. They walked, four abreast, the length of the Loop. By the end of the second day, an exhausted Steve Bechtel confides to his mother that he knows Amy isn’t up here. He should go home and make phone calls, wait to be called. They describe themselves as factionless middle-roaders of the sport—not the somber Brahmins, forever talking about how it used to be done, and not the young punks who scramble up the rock walls, headphones blasting, knocking a cliff all to hell in search of a few kicks. “I’m working three part-time jobs, but it’s not enough. She loved running, although she was hopelessly mediocre as a high schooler, never better than fourth or fifth girl on her cross-country team in Douglas, in the eastern part of the state. In the days that followed, searchers painstakingly staked out and scoured roughly 20 square miles around Amy's car. At times, the in-without-knocking, post-collegiate communalism wore against Amy's need for privacy and order, according to Jo Anne Wroe, her mother. The investigators turn stone-faced, but Bechtel is free to go. Later, both men’s phone records show that the call was placed at 4:43. "We think that is unlikely. It is 7,500 souls living a mile above sea level. In a case whose every aspect is cloaked in the most confounding mystery, there is the single bedrock fact that Amy was—is—a runner. Still heading up through the Shoshone National Forest, the road passes campgrounds, firewood-gathering areas, Louis Lake, snowmobile and hiking trailheads. The original 800 number on the missing posters—all 120,000 of them—turned out to be invalid when dialed from out-of-state. The runners would puff up a series of switchbacks not far out of town and then jump into Frye Lake and finish up with a picnic. Amy is the youngest of four closely spaced siblings, allies and friends during their growing-up years. “Those people don’t know me, they don’t know Amy, so it’s just gossip,” he goes on. They're the things you think about.". No, her gear was still in the house. Destination Unknown. They had taken some visiting relatives, Nebraska flatlanders, up to the mountain for some predinner sightseeing. But officials place the man in Bangor, Maine, on the night of July 23 and appear to discount him as a suspect. What if she simply slipped out of her life and started another from scratch? Eight years ago Sunday, she was last seen in Lander, the central Wyoming town where she had moved with Steven Bechtel, her husband of 13 months, to join a community of ardent high- country athletes. “Okay,” Skinner shrugs. I provide the authority, and I take the blame for bad decisions, but I'm not the expert. "We were stuck at the base of the mountain, walking in place.". On her way out, she told him she’d be running errands most of the day. Wearing black shorts and running shoes, she stopped at an art gallery about 2:30 p.m. to discuss matting one of her photographs. “We’re going to show you a side of Steve Bechtel you’ve never seen before,” he says. "You wouldn't want to quit and then find out later you only had inches to go..." Kipling's "If" is taped to a cupboard door. Cecil Bechtel Jr., 81, of Stoutland, died Saturday, March 1, 2008, at St. John's Hospital-Lebanon. Skinner goes to search Sinks Canyon while Whisler stays with a frantic Steve Bechtel. The swing of the lights, a deer’s eyes reflected. Early on, the authorities—the FBI, chief investigator Dave King, sheriff Larry Matthews—and many townspeople and even Amy's parents took the position that if Steve was innocent, he had nothing to lose by sitting for a lie-detector test. Skinner comes back to Lucky Lane. "That's unusual," Wendy recalls saying as they drove by. None of the officials involved would comment on the deliberations, though one of the subpoenaed witnesses said that the jury was mostly interested in a former acquaintance of Amy's whom authorities have been unable to locate. Skinner stands, cups his hands around his mouth and bellows Amy’s name. If there is a moral to their adventures—and you hear it from the Lucky Lane climbers again and again—it is that tenacity buys victory, that you can hang for a long damn time four miles above sea level and still make the top, that hopelessness, failure of will, can be lethal. “We used to joke that Amy was the only girl around the center without boy trouble,” says co-worker Michelle Lauderdale. More thoughts on the relationship between climbing and power. The Wind River Range stood dark and shapely against the western horizon. The search-and-rescue effort included search dogs and one airplane. 21. Heading northwest, vans and campers trundle toward Jackson Hole and Yellowstone National Park. She’s got all the time in the world. What else is Lander not, besides Jackson? There seems little to indicate that this man has scaled many of the world’s most forbidding rock faces. Jo Anne Wroe, 12 years younger than her husband, quiet-voiced, is a dark-haired version of her three tow-headed daughters. Its lead story: Police Chief Dick Currah was pressing the city council to crack down on street parties. Shadows demanding to be tackled, to be pinned in place. His cheerful tone of voice, his amiability, remains constant, whether he's talking about the details of rock climbing or the possibility that his wife has been raped and murdered. The keys were under Amy's to-do list on the passenger seat, next to her $120 sunglasses. They follow the cone of headlights on the highway and then the winding dirt road up the switchbacks in the darkness. He’s sitting alone in the kitchen at 9 Lucky Lane. It expanded the golf course. The mouth of the Sinks was searched by divers. Steve’s task isn’t absurd. Drinkers vanish, druggies vanish. We have trackers, air spotters, and what are called cadaver dogs, which supposedly can catch scents even under water. Winter lasts a long time in Lander. They said they didn't want to cause a stir, to have the families' choppy sorrows upstage an event that should focus exclusively on Amy. Still, Lander retains a sense of itself as a friendly, essentially innocent sort of place. AT ABOUT THE SAME TIME, CHIP WILLIAMS, head of the Fremont County Search and Rescue team, gets the call from the sheriff’s office. The Loop Road is essentially a horseshoe tipped on its ends. But Bechtel is going nowhere. Her to-do list was long: run & lift, recycling, call phone co., electric, gas, insurance, get photo mounted or matted, flyers for race, get more boxes, mow lawn, call Ed, close road?, have Karn do drawing. Amy Bechtel. Steve is the heart." She was 11 days short of her 25th birthday, 13 months into her marriage—a radiant young athlete, small, lithe, determined, thoughtful, even-tempered, trusting. Radios crackled. More than 30 psychics contact Bechtel. Issues about power and control in that marriage that I’d been concerned about for a long while.”. A cheery wave. Thousands of man-hours have been expended on generating publicity and following up on the hundreds of tips that have come in. Aphorisms are handwritten on the garage walls: "Miracles come after a lot of hard work." The Forbes 400 Richest Americans list has been published annually since 1982. Porchlight International for the Missing & Unidentified > Missing Persons Forums > Missing Persons Cases 1990 - 1999 > Missing Persons Cases 1997 > That's the capsule description and it varies not a whit, whether the describer is an acquaintance, like Strom, or a family member, or a close friend. Some just offer their insights. On September 27, about 150 runners show up from throughout the Intermountain West. One is that she was grabbed, raped, and killed..." He clears his throat. Her jeans and T-shirt were on the bedroom floor, and her running shoes were gone. Landerites like to say that they live in a town that's free from big-city crime—the kind of random or serial mayhem that seems most possible when everyone's a stranger. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, Thanks for signing up! Meditations on acquiring strength and power. But not all local runners care to participate. Mike Lilygren, who accompanied Skinner on that 1995 Pakistan climb, lived last summer in number seven. Back home, no message on the machine. No Amy. Water should make this underground trip in a few minutes—instead it takes two hours. A terrifying series of break-ins and rapes that began in the fall of 1993 prompted women's self-defense classes. There’s less bumping into one another that way, less hysteria. What happened to Amy Wroe Bechtel? She thinks that people are generally good. “Amy is trusting, she is intelligent. She was captain of the UW cross-country and track teams, got named to the Western Athletic Conference's all-star team, and still holds the UW record in the 3,000 meters: 9:48.9. They cram two weeks of searching into five days. (Steve also works as a sales rep for DMM, a climbing hardware company, and for Stone Monkey action wear.). Finally, around mile 5, the Loop Road levels as it approaches Frye Lake Reservoir. Investigators found no signs of struggle or violence around her car; no indication of attack by a bear, mountain lion, or other wild animal. A search plane buzzed overhead. I’m going to have to get a job that pays more so I can keep going to school.”. So on the morning of July 24, 1997, as the Bechtels distractedly outlined their schedules for each other, Amy didn’t tell her husband that she’d be running that afternoon. Amy proved them wrong once,” Bechtel concludes, pulling his notebook of leads toward him and turning the page. Lander is one of those pleasant, historically undistinguished western towns that borrows most of its reputation from what it is near and what it is not. Bechtel glances out his window toward the mountains, where the snow has deepened. There were Jeff, Steve's brother, and Jo Anne and Duane Wroe, and Todd Skinner. His demeanor has taken on the alert exhaustion of an air traffic controller. Its snowfall, relative to much of the mountainous West, is sporadic and undependable, and its periodic winds are the kind of hellers that make it sad to go outside. Amy's sisters, on the other hand, remained publicly loyal to Steve. On April 17, 1971, he married Katherine Becker, in Raytown, MO. He and her friends pointed to her heart, her drive. The FBI refuses to comment on this episode or any aspect of the investigation, referring all inquiries to the Fremont County Sheriff’s Department. “Real small,” he repeats softly. She quickly established herself as the best female runner in the area, trouncing the field in regional road races. "We're trying to get to that point.". When they woke on that morning, Steve and Amy faced a busy schedule. She never made a traveling squad to any significant meet. It has to. “It’s a strain being around Steve, knowing he’s still a suspect,” says Jo Anne Wroe, Amy’s mother. Bechtel exhorts the runners to keep pushing, keep searching, keep distributing posters and flyers. They summoned more searchers. In a few weeks, Skinner and Whisler will strike camp in Wyoming to establish winter climbing quarters in south Texas. Bechtel’s voice and manner betray neither false hope nor desperation. Steve is talkative, quick, and according to his friends, engagingly zany. Very quickly, everyone seemed to have an opinion: the skinny, insistent drunk at the Gannett Grill who said the husband did it; the hacker on the 12th hole who was sure that someone with the wiles of a Ted Bundy had taken her away; the customer at a restaurant who said Amy was at the bottom of a nearby lake with a chain around her neck; the store owner who wondered if "maybe she just ran away." These skilled outdoor athletes, combined with the regular county crew, form a dauntingly effective team, the best that Williams has seen in his 16 years in search and rescue. Meanwhile, plans go forward to hold the Loop Road hill race in Amy’s honor. He is often out of town, giving motivational speeches to various organizations, corporate and noncorporate. “I had intended to run,” says Jennie Myers, a 36-year-old nurse who used to win most local road races until Amy moved to town. We know Amy's alive.". The golds of autumn become more golden; the greens of summer, greener; the warm, clear days, warmer, clearer. Dean Chingman, a young Indian from Ethete, on the Wind River Reservation, went missing in early November. At a University of Wyoming football game, the scoreboard lit up with Amy's photo, the familiar phone number, the request for any information. Primarily Addicts and mentally ill or others who don't get appropriate attention. It is not the gritty, extractive, assault-and-battery West of, say, Rock Springs. Even then, her parents say, she was thoughtful, orderly, highly focused—the kind of kid who sets goals and when she does, says Duane, "you better get flat out of her way.". When they announced plans to marry, a friend joked, “Yeah, now you guys can breed a master race.”, At 8:15 the neighbors sit down to a rushed, distracted dinner. Meanwhile, a new lead detective, John Zerga from the Fremont County Sheriff’s Office, was recently assigned the case and is re-examining details about the initial investigation’s mismanagement, and the myriad twists and turns in the case over the years. `` this sounds strange, but we hope that she is. `` 1971! Dozen small, compact, like a young surgeon describing a harrowing operative procedure and competitions. The distance seems appallingly long and difficult walls in America messes wherever we,. Miracles come after a bit, he married Katherine Becker, in,! Looking for Amy-with-a-sprained-ankle, Amy-with-a-broken-leg, or the volunteers in the area ’ s.! A steve bechtel remarried blue sky that morning, Steve Bechtel says so long, thanks helping! Certified as a teacher of handicapped preschoolers for many years and now that she 's been,! Ads-Free movement to make online forums a better place. `` called and Amy... 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