why do shih tzus tear so much

Tearstains occur as a result of porphyrin production. Depending on what age your puppy is there’s many different things you can do to help soothe them, calm them down and keep them settle while they are in their crate. One of them might mean “Hey I need to be taken outside right now” while another one could mean “I am hungry so feed me”. The thing is dogs don’t intuitively understand our daily schedules and if you have a new dog there is a really good chance they have been thrown off by their new circumstances and surroundings. Typically, porphyrin infections are linked with genetics and innate bacterial levels since certain breeds of dogs are more vulnerable to staining. … Working on obedience and mental training is also a good way to train your dog and this can help them sleep through the night too. This can seem really cute when you see your dog crying when you come through the door but if it is becoming a problem behavior you really need to address it. However, you should note that not all stains that occur on your dog’s face are caused by porphyrins. Don’t do it while they are whining because they will associate crying with getting what they want. It’s not like this type of behavior goes away all at once so this can help you notice progress where you otherwise might not. Should to take your dog out every time they cry? Short-nosed dog breeds, such as Shih-tzu, Pekingese, Maltese, and pug, are prone to excessive tearing because they often have shallow eye sockets or hair growth in skin folds around the eyes that cause problems. This can cause anxiety which can cause many dogs to feel uneasy and cry or whine. Let them cry it out? This is because exposure to sunlight tends to darken the iron-containing stains. Shih Tzus normally carry their tail over their back. You can put some stuffed toys in their crate. Short-nosed dog breeds, such as Shih-tzu, Pekingese, Maltese, and pug, are prone to excessive tearing because they often have shallow eye sockets or hair growth in skin folds around the eyes that cause problems. So when you come it try and greet them with a calmer tone and your dog will them greet you with a mirror tone and action. Tear staining is one of the most common problems that Shih Tzus have. If your dog’s been fed and watered it’s now down time. If you have ruled out any medical issues by asking your vet, make sure your dog has lots of healthy physical and mental exercise. Just let them cry out and they will go to sleep, just be sure that you’re consistent with the rules. However, there are obviously more serious problems when dogs cry. Porphyrins are waste products that occur from the breakdown of red blood cells in the animal body. Shih Tzus are one of the most dynamic, misunderstood, and ancient dogs breed in existence. Porphyrins are known to cause staining that is usually rust colored. It is a delicious treat for us, humans, but the … After about a month of life, your Shih Tzu … This could be food, water, to go outside to potty, for a toy or just for attention. Put a warm blanket in there, maybe your old shirt or t-shirt from your dirty clothes hamper, something that has your scent on it. There are multiple different symptoms that can be going on and this creates a lot of problems for the owners and a lot of problems for the dogs as well. As with barking whining and crying is a different way for your dog to communicate. After reading some of the dog forums a lot of people seem to be having problems with their Shih Tzu whining and crying all the time. As I said previously, the best thing you can do is if they have full bellies and they have been pottied and they are warm is to ignore them if they cry. Your goal is to see if the time your dog cries get shorter and shorter over time. And make sure you give them exercise just before putting them to bed. If you're the owner of a Shih Tzu and you've had to deal with the hassle of tear stains, you may want to read this. This is why we always recommend you take your dog to the vet if you notice your dog whimpering or crying more than normal. This is basically what we should do with our dogs too. 1.Hugs. Things such as dirt, dust, eyelashes or other debris can get caught in the eye area, causing the eye to tear up in attempts to … Both of these categories are dealt with in a very similar way because they are both to do with a lack of confidence in your dog. Your dog’s eyes become red and painful. Because dogs do not have arms, they show their affection in different ways. One of the most important things I think is exercise, regardless of how old your dog is. There are a number of reason your Shih Tzu cries or whines all the time which can include physical needs like they need to potty or hungry or is anxious about something. If your dog has suddenly started whining then you should get them checked out by your vet. Whining or crying is a different way for your dog to communicate and in this article we are going to go through the different types of crying and how to stop them. This may not be a very quick process so you need to be prepared to be very patient and tolerant while you both work through this period. Scold them or what? It depends on whether you keep their coat long or short. Do you ignore them? I mean, you should be taking them outside to potty a couple of times per night. I am going to run through the different categories of whining in dogs. The amount of sleep that your Shih Tzu requires is largely dependent upon the age of the dog. If you're familiar with tear staining conditions, you may be familiar with these products, however, you may have been unaware of the fact that they are potentially dangerous. When you put them to bed consider giving them a chew toy so they have something to do so they are less likely to be bored. Then gradually move the crate away from your bed and out of your bed room so your dog gets more comfortable being away from you at night. Variations of the Shih Tzu. So my advice to this subscriber was that even though you think that you are cleaning it constantly, either you need to clean it a little better and … An increase in the amount of tear staining. So-called "Teacup" or "Imperial" Shih Tzus … This pooch is a lover, not a hunter. Just recently my Shih Tzu started crying all the time, to be honest it was getting on my nerves so I decided to look at the reasons why and this is what I found. In this article we look into all the reasons your Shin Tzu might whine and how to stop them. Newborn puppies may sleep 22 hours a day, according to All Shih Tzu. And then there is the classic “I am so bored I’m going to whine”. Over time you will learn the difference between all of your dogs different whines and cries. Do Shih Tzu suffer from separation anxiety? They will tear up things when owners are away, tear up their crate or cage, they can tear up their toys excessively, you can also see other symptoms like urinating or defecating when the owners were gone or when a storm is coming. It could be to do with pain, anxiety or age related decline. There are a number of remedies you can use to relieve constipation fast for your Shih Tzu, including tinned pumpkins, Coconut oil and flax-seeds. Anxiety is a strong reflex in dogs and there are multiple types of anxiety. One on one reward based training will allow you to reward them for confident and focused behavior. As they get older, the hours of sleep will gradually reduce. Tear stains are those streaks of discolored hairs around the Shih Tzus eyes, nose and mouth. If your dog starts to whimper very suddenly it’s usually for a physical need. Inverted Eyelid (Entropion) When a Shih Tzu’s eyelids turn inwards, this is called entropion. They are excreted through urine, saliva and tears in dogs. Shih Tzu depression 6 Warning Signs If you have a pet Shih Tzu… Short-nosed dog breeds, such as Shih-tzu, Pekingese, Maltese, and pug, are prone to excessive tearing because they often have shallow eye sockets or hair growth in skin folds around the eyes that cause problems. The reason for the letter was because these products were found to contain an unapproved antibiotic substance (tylosin tartrate) for the treatment of dogs or cats for tearstain-related conditions. Category two is appeasement and this is usually combined with submissive posture from your dog, this is when your dog has their ears, tail and head down. link to Do Shih Tzu Suffer From Separation Anxiety? To stop this type of crying you need to learn to ignore it, so when your dog stops whining that’s when you take them out, that’s when you give them food, that’s when you give them attention. If you have a crying puppy while they’re in the dog crate make sure that the crate is cozy inside. We have searched the web for all the pet dog questions we could find and have put them all into this ultimate resource for learning everything about your dog, or information when trying to find the right one. A tear stain is a reddish brown streak that is often found under the eyes of these pets. 4. Do Shih Tzu Suffer From Separation Anxiety? That makes them one of the oldest breeds on the planet. Okay, so my Shih Tzu tears and her face does not smell at all. The Shih Tzu, the Maltese, and the Lhasa Apso are more vulnerable to this unusual condition. Often whining and crying will turn into a problem behavior because when your dogs learn that when they do cry they will often get the attention they want. The boredom whine is actually pretty common, it’s pretty easy to overcome in most cases. The name ‘Shih Tzu’ translates to little lion, yet this toy breed is anything but ferocious. This is why we would encourage you to use a dog crate to get your dog used to being away from you. How much do Shih Tzus shed? It is usually a rusty or brown color, like in the photo below. So if you notice some change in your loving pet’s behaviour, then do not take it lightly. A change in the appearance of your dog’s tear staining. The name “Shih Tzu” means little lion, but there’s nothing fierce about this dog breed. The makers of two exported products and the manufacturer of Angels’ Glow, Angels’ Eyes, and Pet’s Spark were presented with a letter of warning from the FDA. We have a great article which explains how to crate train your Shih Tzu in five easy to follow steps. However, science has yet to ascertain why some dogs produce more porphyrin than others. The Shih Tzu breed does tend to be susceptible to yeast infections of the skin, according to PetEducation.com, and this test can check for it, as well as for bacteria, mites or other parasites. Shih Tzus don't need much … How To Potty Train Your Shih Tzu Puppy in 4 Easy Steps. A newborn Shih Tzu requires around 22 hours sleep during every 24-hour period. Tear Staining Around Shih Tzu Eyes. Of course, the younger the dog is the more they nap throughout the day, maybe even up to 14/20 hours. Once your dog is quiet after five, ten or fifteen minutes take note of than time. Chocolate: If you are stressed, chocolate can be a cure. Remember they’ve been separated from their siblings and their mom which also is very stressful for them, so keep them warm and keep them in a darker environment, that tends to help as well. Don’t worry it’s all going to be worth it. However, when stressed, that tail will … As I said before, it’s very difficult to differentiate between what your dog needs when they are attention whining. Whether you keep your Shih Tzu in full coat or a puppy cut, you never want to see bald spots on your little lion dog. Truth be told, despite how dignified the Shih Tzu … If your dog keeps you up at night it can be really overwhelming to deal with but what do you do when your dog cries at night? Shih Tzu Daily © 2017. Their eyes bulge out beyond their eyelids, so they often get debris and bacteria in their eyes. Remember, if you have a new Shih Tzu puppy you’re actually not entitled to sleep all the way through the night. I know one Shih Tzu that has memorized the names of all 20 of her plush toys. Not What You Thought. A dog may whine when creeting you as a form of excitement. Dry eye (keratoconjunctivitis … Sometimes you may wonder why tearstains worsen when these pets go outside. Shih Tzus are known to have issues with their eyes. If you have a wire crate you can always throw a thick blanket over it or something to just make it a little darker and cozy. White-Gray Mucus. Interpreting a dogs crying can be really tough and there are lots of different reasons for it. If those... Having been a dog owner most of my life we are passionate about our dogs and love sharing everything we learn about them. An anxious dog may whine while pacing up and down and showing unsertan body language like their tail being down and their ears being down. There are a number of reason your Shih Tzu cries or whines all the time which can include physical needs like they need to potty or hungry or is anxious about something. When a dog has a yeast infection, its face will begin to smell. It’s important to ignore any bad behavior, do not approach this with verbal or physical punishment. The good thing about throwing a toy for your dog is that you can do this in your back garden or yard, or even inside your home. You know the feeling when you have been studying all day for an exam, that’s the feeling we are going for with your dog. You can place the dog crate near your bed at night so your dog gets used to being in a crate, but also near you. When your dog is whining or barking a minute can feel like ten minutes so why not time how long it actually takes your dog to calm down. What you can do with the toys is put them in your dirty clothes hamper so they have your scent on them and put them in the crate with your dog, that’s very soothing for them as well. Just as human babies need far more sleep than their parents, so do Shih Tzus. The worst thing you want to do for a crying puppy is comfort them by taking them out of the crate and carry them around and pamper them. During the day discourage excessive napping, for most dogs a thirty minute walk should do the trick. Keeping track of the time can help you notice progress where you otherwise might not. If the dog has been experiencing one of these problems ever since he was a puppy, medications might be necessary in order to assist the breathing of your Shih Tzu. Tibetan lamas bred the Shih Tzu (possibly from a Pekinese and … Once your dog is about three to four months old they ought to be able to physically make it all the way through the entire night without needing to pee. The owners request a specific toy, and she'll oblige and find the correct one. If he gets it before he is going to associate the whining to get what he wanted. The Shih Tzu, the Maltese, and the Lhasa Apso are more vulnerable to this … Your shih tzu may have those unsightly brown tear stains as a result of eye irritation. Tucked Tail. It is important that you see your veterinarian if your dog or cat happens to develop tear stains, as this can be a symptom of a serious eye health problem. It is possible that your pet has developed a yeast infection on its face, especially if the stains are brown in color. It causes … First make sure they get some exercise before... What To Do If My Shih Tzu Is Constipated And How To Treat It. Rather, try to see if those are the signs and symptoms of your Shih Tzu depression. A Shih Tzu is a purebred dog thought to have originated in Tibet over 2,000 years ago. Most dogs that eat their own poop are being fed enough, so it may seem that this cannot be due to hunger. However, prevention is always better than cure so as much as possible, avoid the things that will trigger these conditions. This is a common feature with the infection. You will be able to spot this quite easily because it is normally accompanied by jumping, wagging their tail or spinning around. Tearstains are more visible on a light-colored fur. All Shih Tzus shed some hairs here and there throughout the year, with the bulk of their shedding occurring twice a … Anxiety can also cause diarrhea and vomiting and causing so much stress that the GI system reacts negatively. This happens when a dog has a lot of eye discharge which may be caused by allergies or injury. These naturally occurring molecules leave the body just like other solid waste. If you have taken care of all their needs like food, water and going outside and they are still crying, it’s probably time to just ignore the crying for a while. What Does Kennel Cough Sound Like In a Shih Tzu? If you clip your Shih Tzu into a shorthaired dog, now there is no long coat to catch the shed hair, so … Keep your Shih Tzu … Once your dog has been outside to potty it’s okay to keep the dog in the crate and let them cry. A tear stain is a reddish brown streak that is often found under the eyes of these pets. The way we suggest to build their confidence is to treat them with reward led obedience training. This adjustment period is the single biggest reason that dogs cry at night. What are tear stains? When babies cry we ask “have all their needs been met?” and then we act accordingly. A good way to exercise your Shih Tzu is to play fetch using one of their favorite toys. When they chew or bite their paws in a repetitive and obsessive manner, then it can cause issues and concerns for your Shih Tzu as this can cause torn tissues and leave painful, open wounds. A Shih Tzu may do this under his owner's watch, or only when at home alone. Often when they cry they are trying to tell us they want something, it can be food, a toy or just some attention. So it is important that you are careful not to use a product intended for red stains to resolve brown stains or vice versa. When a Shih Tzu's coat is left long, most of the shed hairs get caught in the long coat; instead of falling out on your floor, they only get removed when you brush your Shih Tzu. Why does my shih tzu cry all the time? You may notice that Daphne has gunk in her eyes quite frequently, which can build up and lay on the hair that surrounds her face. So, pet your dog and let them rub up against you, but do … Now we know what causes our dog to whine and cry, let’s look at some ways of stopping it based on the categories we have just run through. Secondly, Shih Tzus can have diseases that cause their eyes to tear… Undoubtedly it's unattractive, but more important, Tzu hair loss is a stark indication that … Shih Tzu can suffer from anxiety and there are three simple steps you can take to alleviate the problem. As molecules that contain iron, porphyrins cause staining on the face of the animal and, as a result, last for a long period of time. Of course, if your dog seems extremely stressed out this could mean they don’t like their dog crate or they don’t like being away from you in another room. link to What To Do If My Shih Tzu Is Constipated And How To Treat It, how to crate train your Shih Tzu in five easy, What Health Problems Do Shih Tzus Have? So your main aim for this is for your dog to know that when they stop crying when they get your attention. What to do if my Shih tzu is constipated? In a pack a dog would tell another dominant dog that they give up by submissive whining. Short-nosed dog breeds, such as Shih-tzu, Pekingese, Maltese, and pug, are prone to excessive tearing because they often have shallow eye sockets or hair growth in skin folds around the eyes that cause problems. If the … Storm anxiety, separation anxiety which is probably one of the worst we see and sometimes some of the hardest ones to control. First let’s examine why your puppy might cry at night. Although some breeders produce, and some misguided puppy buyers want, an even smaller dog. For immediate relief give then age appropriate mental exercise through the day. The symptoms are generally going to be destructive in a lot of dogs. The usual cause of tear staining is epiphora (a technical word used to explain the excess production of tears in dogs or cats). Anxiety in dogs can be very serious so if your dog has some sort of anxiety disorder like storm phobias, loud noise phobias or especially separation anxiety you should talk to your veterinary clinic. Of course, that’s going to grow into bigger problematic behaviors when your dog gets older, so you should tolerate that as much as possible. Humans are one of the few species that likes hugging and Shih Tzu s are not one of them. However, it is important to note that pets can also be infected with both a secondary yeast infection and a porphyrin stained face, especially from the constantly moist skin. When they aren't sleeping, their primary … All Rights Reserved. Here are 11 things that Shih Tzus do not like about particular human behaviors. There will be a reason for the sudden crying or whining and it could be a number of things for your dogs health and welfare get them checked out as soon as possible. And for all Shih Tzu… A proper Shih Tzu weighs between 9 and 16 pounds. Sleep 22 hours a day, maybe even up to 14/20 hours and misguided... Breakdown of red blood cells in the dog crate make sure they your... Translates to little lion, yet this toy breed is anything but.. Name ‘ Shih Tzu can suffer from separation anxiety puppy might cry at night weighs between and. Of course, the younger the dog crate to get what he wanted behaviour then! Whimpering or crying more than normal difficult to differentiate between what your dog needs when get! Those streaks of discolored hairs around the Shih Tzu is a reddish brown streak that is often under... 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